熊本YMCA総主事 神保勝己 就任のご挨拶








 短い期間ではありましたが2019年度には富山YMCAで総主事の職に就きました。総主事を支えていた立場から、すべての方々の想いを一手に受け止めて、形にしていく すべての責任を背負うもの立場にかわり、総主事の役割・責任の大きさを実感しました。歴代の熊本YMCAの総主事の方々、全国で総主事の働きをされている方々の受けるストレスの大きさと共にやりがいの大きさも相当なものなのだと実感しました。その富山で、2019年10月にガンを発症し、志半ばで、熊本に戻ることとなりました。13時間にも及ぶ腫瘍摘出手術及び入院生活を経験し、多い時には点滴をはじめ、体に管が8本ついていましたので、そのような姿は誰にも見せたくなかったこともあり、術後3週間は、家族以外の面会をお断りしておりました。胃やすい臓、十二指腸、胆のうと4カ所の切除を行ったこともあり、食事をとれるようになるまで3度のチャレンジが必要でした。その3度目のチャレンジの前にいつもお世話になっているカトリック宇部教会の片柳神父が病室で私のために祈ってくださいました。これまで涙が全く出ていなかったのですが、その時に溢れんばかりの涙が流れ、確かに大きな力をいただきました。神様の大きな存在、限られている命、支えていただいた多くの仲間や家族の存在、何気ない日常のありがたさ等々を再認識し、「神様に活かさている命をどう生きるか?生きて果たすべき使命があるのでは?」という想いを抱きました。神様の聖霊に満たされ、その後は次第に様々な痛みから癒されて奇跡的な経過を歩みました。休職した3カ月と合わせて、これまでの働き、これからの働き、生き方について考える時間をいただくことになりました。与えられている時間や面前の方々への愛おしさを感じ、様々な出会いや、日々の生活に感謝しています。


 「変えられないもの、変えるべきもの」とは何か。そのことをしっかり見極めながら、「心を尽くし、知恵を尽くし、力を尽くして神を愛し、また隣人を自分のように愛する」ことを実現します。隣人とは誰なのかということを意識をしながら、様々な世代の方が集い、地域の皆様に愛されるYMCA、スタッフや、会員、集う地域の皆さんの笑顔のあふれるYMCAにしていきたいと思っています。どうぞ、ご協力とお支え、ご指導、ご鞭撻のほどを お願いいたします。

熊本YMCA総主事 神保勝己

神保 勝己(じんぼ かつみ)


 1990年  熊本大学教育学部教員養成課程卒業 
 1990年  熊本YMCA入職
 2002年  熊本YMCA本部事務局
ICR(国際・地域・会員サービス部) (主任、部長) 
 2006年  日本YMCA同盟認証主事
 2007年  中央YMCA館長・ICR部長
 2010年  熊本YMCA学院(事務局長・副学院長)
 2013年  熊本YMCA本部事務局(総務部長・事務局長・副学院長)
 2018年  熊本YMCAA副総主事
 2019年  富山YMCA総主事
 2020年  熊本YMCA副総主事

YMCA Inaugural Address 2021

I’m Katsumi Jimbo and I’m extremely honored to become the 14th General Secretary of Kumamoto YMCA as an successor of Mr. Nariya Oka. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to greet everyone at this time. I’m also thankful for those who came all the way to attend the inaugural ceremony and the farewell one for Mr. Oka online.

My career in the Kumamoto YMCA started in April, 1991 as an instructor to provide students from elementary to high school and cram school with both study and career guidance. I met students who suffered from bullying, refused to go to school, and had developmental difficulties. At that time, I realized how important my role was to support those students with hardships, one by one, closely enough for them to feel secure.

Since I was transferred to the Global, Regional, and Membership Department in 2002, I have learned a lot about the environment, peace, and multiple cultures through my variety of job experiences. The YMCA gave me the opportunity to visit some Asian countries to broaden my horizons. I worked as a volunteer and did some work in cooperation with public administration. I became a director of the wellness center as well as the vocational school. Through these positions, I was able to meet a lot of young people who had various hope and dreams, and learn how we should support them.

Visiting other countries such as Thailand, Sri Lanka, America and many others, and attending YMCA international conventions like the one for Asia and the other for International have taught me why the YMCA is necessary for people in each region. Every time I attended, I heard about many different social problems like disasters, gender issues, poverty and disparity. At the same time, I got to know how actively people overseas like youths, volunteers, Y’s men and senior volunteers got involved with YMCA and that made me realize the importance of the relationship between volunteer workers, public administrations and NPOs.

I feel quite fortunate to have been able to acquire those experiences until now when it comes down to becoming a secretary-general of the YMCA. In addition to those experiences, I went through the Kumamoto Earthquake as a director of headquarters for disaster control five years ago. That was the toughest experience ever. I had to deal with accumulating problems every day in such unsafe and insecure circumstances. Since I was staying in my car at that time, I couldn’t sleep well for about a month and had to work from early in the morning till late at night. I lost10 kg. It seemed that I was in the extreme situation mentally and physically. Moreover I had to think how I should support our staff and save their lives, and how I could pay all the bills and manage the financial problems without any income. The disaster damaged our business management significantly. I had to ask several different financial institutions to stop withdrawing our students’ monthly lesson fees from their accounts, that was actually scheduled on just a few days after the earthquake.

I continued praying for God to be with us in such hard time and tried to encourage myself with the proverb saying, “You cannot see the forest for the trees.”
One time, I remember how grateful I was for my wife who sent me a text message saying “Come home early tonight! There’s a cold beer waiting for you in the fridge!!” She was so worried about me working too hard at that time and wanted me to relax a little. That message made me realize that I worried other people around me so much, so I decided to change my attitude to deal with things a little differently.

It was greatly appreciated that we received a lot of monetary support and manpower from the YMCA network in Japan and overseas. That was encouraging for not only me but for those who closely worked together at that time such as the late Mr. Akiyose, Mr. Oka who was the general secretary of Kumamoto YMCA and Mr. Otsuka, the general secretary of Fukuoka YMCA.

In 2019, I served for Toyama YMCA as a secretary-general for a short period of time. It was the first time for me to be placed in such an ultimate responsible position and that made me realized how large and critical the role was. Now I can easily imagine how much pressure these successive secretaries-general attending today must have had.

While serving in Toyama, I got cancer in October and returned to Kumamoto. I had a 13-hour long surgery. It was, however, such a blessing from God that I was able to survive with my family and friends support. I can’t give enough thanks for those who helped me survive. During the time that I took a 3 month-leave from my work, and I spent a lot of time on reviewing my own service in both the past and the future as well as pondering how I should live with my remaining time.

Since April last year, I have returned to work and served for the Kumamoto YMCA as a vice general secretary. Now Mr. Kenjiro Nakamura and I are working on the restructuring of the YMCA. We have a lot of issues to deal with, such as moving to a new building in Daniyama during the financial hardship in COVID-19. However, I’m willing to work a lot harder along with God’s will to fulfill my mission and achieve our goals in cooperation with everyone attending here today and my staff. I understand that I must listen to your voices and respect your ideas and opinions to make everything possible.

It is crutial for us to examine very carefully as to what to change and what not to change.
The Bible says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. Love your neighbor as yourself.” Who is our neighbor? I must keep this front of mind, and dedicate myself to make the Kumamoto YMCA become a wonderful place where people of all generations get together and is loved and cherished by everyone in the neighborhood. Thank you and wish me good luck!!
