
Getting to know you activity: Me-clouds

I would like to share an activity which I have been using with my Adult students.
It helps to get to know each other and learn interesting facts about your classmates.
It fosters communication and interaction in English.

A student should think of five different words (names, places, activities, numbers, dates, etc.) that are connected to their life, and then write them on whiteboard in a form of a mind-map (called Me-Clouds).
The other students should try to guess what each word means and why the student wrote it there.
Some hints can be given if it's necessary.

To tell the truth, I 'stole' this activity from a great teacher I met in Kumamoto University.
My regards to Mr.Takaki Nobuyuki

英会話・語学トップページ | 実施YMCA・お問合せ先一覧
